My mom got Coleman a fold up stool. It has a handle so he can carry it around and reach things he might not be able to normally. Im actually watching him right now take the stool around and turn off the lights he's able to reach.
We went to colemans brothers school, TL Rodes. Carter bis going to be in kindergarden next year and we went to see the school Coleman noticed that they had things his size. The tolits were low to the ground, the counter had one for adults and one smaller, coco can reach. The coolest thing he saw was the water fountian that he could reach, he smiled and said "my size". Its funny the things you don't notice when your looking at things from normal sizes. Everything changes your point of view when its your child.
Hi Kristen! We just saw genetics yesterday and it was confirmed that my 4 yo has HCH. We knew that he had skeletal dysplasia, but were unsure which and to what extent. Things look good for my little Drew. It is good to see someone create such and encouraging blog. I too live a life of crazy love!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad drew is doing well. If yo have any uestions dont hesitate to ask.